Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fibre Fantastic Weekend!

Wow, what a lovely weekend I have had!

Yesterday, Christine and I jumped on a bus, and went to the Textiles Festival at the Convention Centre. Soooo much better than the Stitches and Craft Festival. We got there about 10am, and got home about 5:15pm (that also involved a trip to Tangled Yarns...). I didn't get any photos of the festival, but I do have photos of what I bought! :D

Mulberry Silk from Prudence Mapstone
Firstly, some Mulberry Silk from Prudence Mapstone - it's delicious, and I'm going to make a shiny little cowl/neck warmer with it. Not sure how warm it will be, but it'll be pretty!

Prudence also gave us our very own Rav badges! YAY!! Thank you very much, Prudence.

Dream in Color Classy
Next, some Dream in Color Classy in a colour called In Vino Veritas, from Peppermint Stitches. I didn't even know they had DiC. It's going to become a February Baby Sweater for Miss Kaylee for her first birthday in two weeks time. That's plenty of time to knit that, right? :)

Ladybug buttons... nom!
Some YUMMY ladybug buttons. Aren't they cute?!

YARN magazine back issues :)
YARN Magazine back issues. Particulary the ones with dyeing tutorial things. Sharing these with Chrissy.

Ashford Needle Felting Kit!
And an Ashford Needle Felting kit. Chrissy got one too. We were sold, after we saw the camel in it and the teddy bear. I'm looking forward to creating some things out of this!

And then today, we went to the QSWFA Open Day, where I almost (kinda) bought a wheel, but whe I got back there, it had been sold. Christine was luckier than I (hehe), and bought the other second hand one that was for sale! It looks lovely, and she is eager beaver to start learning how to use it. I did buy some fluff to start spinning though...

Tree Tops Roving - Rhubarb
Treetops in Rhubarb

QSWFA - Merino Silver - Claret
QSWFA - Merino Silver - Purple
And some Merino Sliver.

Handdyed from QSWFA
And some yarn, of course! Couldn't go past this beautiful red...

It was great seeing all my SnB friends who I have missed terribly the past six weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to head back and socialise soon on Tuesday nights.

Err... I also bought a drop spindle today off etsy. Hoping it will turn out awesome, it is from the states though, so I'm also hoping it gets here in once piece.
Okay, just about to gout for dinner with Mel and her boyfriend Mark. Some yummy Vietnamese food will be in my belly soon!! :D

1 comment:

  1. I love the DiC colors, and the ladybug buttons are very cute! The drop spindle is beautiful, and it sure will get a workout when it arrives, with all that fibre you bought!
