Monday, June 1, 2009


This will be my pretty new drop spindle... when it arrives from Kentucky in like... two weeks. It's from an etsy seller named Sarabee Designs. I am looking forward to it immensely. It has a 7cm whorl, a 22cm shaft with a brass cup hook and weighs 48g.

I also started some needle felting tonight.


Ain't he cute? :)

Time for more Stargate SG:1, season 9. It's a bit meh. I miss Richard Dean Anderson. Woe. Vala is saving it though. There is a lot of silly episodes... well, not silly, but... *shrug* Oh well. Almost to season 10, and then I can focus on all the tv that has just finished airing (NCIS in particular!)


  1. Wow! That's cute! Are you going to do the body?

  2. Thanks. I will get around to doing the body... but he is a pretty cute head! :D
