Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Swappy goodness!

Ok, so the Australian Swappers group on Rav have had a Orange swap going on for a while, and I got my parcel today!!! :D The lovely Mooska, also known as Deb, spoiled me good!

Firstly, a before shot:

accompanying this wonderful parcel is a card, which made me feel loved (and squealed a little during reading):

Some Vintage Hues:

A lovely star cloth:

*wiggles excitedly* my very first owning handspun. O_O

And the particulars:
Handspun Merion/Silk blend. Roughly 12WPI and sportweight 5ply. 100gm/183m

A lovely, bright tea towel, foldable scissors (which rock), 8mm orange knitting needles, and some orange beads:

Foodstuffs! Orange dark chocolate (which is in the freezer atm :), orange tic tacs, orange mints and Ceylon Orange Pekoe tea.

And the little things :) Orange sequins, two beautiful beads, some cute buttons, a little kitty figurine playing with yarn (eeeek! :D ) and some lovely kitty stitchmarkers!

And finally, group shot!

I had been a bit worried about this, seeing... well, you can't help it. But I am sooo happy and pleased with my parcel, especially after the love and orangeyness I put into my parcel for Shan :) I looooved putting that together too! Oooh it's just full of swappyness! :D

I'm off to my first SnB tonight at the Three Monkeys in West End. I'm quite excited about that as well, but a little nervous, with the whole meeting new people and all that jazz. I'm sure it will be fantastic though.

Before heading off to that though, I shall be going for a walk with Christine - we're making the decision and going walking in the afternoons. We'll see how we go for how often we'll do it, or how far we'll go, but I need to get out and do some exercise. We're also going to bellydancing classes
that start next week over at Wooloongabba. Hooray for being active ;)

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