Friday, January 9, 2009

You sell every kinda meat here except human!

So, a blog. And stuff.

I've been to the library three times in the past two days - yesterday Chrissy, Kaylee and I went to Mitchelton, to pick up Geisha of Gion - the Memoir of Mineko Iwasaki, who is the basis of "Memoirs of a Geisha". It was a book offered on the Rav Book Karma swap a week or two ago, and I was very interested - of course, I came too late. There was an extreme lack of knitting books there, so we toddled off to Ashgrove, where I found "The ABC For Kids Book of Knitted Toys" (Rav link) which has Raggy Dolls and Postman Pat, and Inspector Gadget! I am looking forward to making things from that. And then today, I visited the Brisbane City library, and got a bookc on Vietnamese cooking, a Jamie Oliver cookbook, One Ball Knits (rav link), a book on needlecraft, one on weekends away, and one on organisation in the home :) So I've got some nice reading material happening.

Other than that, today involved putting the car in for her 5000km service. It only hit 3000km on the way to the dealer. Whoops. Anyway, everything is wonderful. I went in and fixed up Targetness. Seeing Head Office overpaid me - for some reason they decided to pay me overtime for six and a half hours in my termination pay *sigh* so, I fixed that, and caught up with Jan. Ended up spending almost three hours there... and then went to the library, and continued my second Monkey sock (rav link) I've finished my heel decreases, and now just a few more repeats and I'll be finished my first grown up socks.

And now... I realy should finish clean up the lounge room. Seeing I've been doing that for the past three days... but I'd like to not do that too :)

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